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Franziska Greber is a Swiss artist. She explores areas of societal tension such as exclusion and participation, isolation and cohesion, silence and speech, resignation and resistance.

She understands her artistic work as promoting a culture of lively and critical dialogue in the respective work context.

The voices of those affected, contribute to the perception and visibility of these experiences and also encourage others to stand up for their demands.

Collaboration and participation are the anchor and the various media the means of her artistic intervention.

In 2023, she was awarded the German art prize The Power of the Arts – transforming society by Philip Morris GmbH for her international, transdisciplinary and participatory art project against discrimination and violence WOMEN IN THE DARK. “[…] It positions itself against looking the other way and remaining silent and convinces not only through its relevance, but also through its high artistic quality. Last but not least, its participatory nature connects and involves many and diverse women and thereby empowers them,” says the jury.

Franziska Greber’s works have been exhibited in China, India, Mauritius, Germany, Switzerland and Italy.


  • GALATA MUSEO DEL MARE | Biennale Le Latitudini dell’arte 2024 | VI Edizione | Svizzera / Italia | Genova | Italia | NOWHERE NoWhere NowHere | 2 August – 8 September 2024
  • HEERESBÄCKEREI | Berlin | Germany | WOMEN IN THE DARK – We’ve got your back! Have we? | 19 September 2024 | only for participants of the Berliner Präventionstag 2024
  • GALERIE IM BURGGRAFIAT | Alzey | Germany | 3 November – 25 November 2024 | WOMEN IN THE DARK – aufruhr des schweigens | more information | Opening Ceremony 3 November at 2pm
  • TOWN HALL USTER | Square in front of the Town Hall Uster | Switzerland | Kein Platz für Gewalt | Outdoor Installation | 2 December – 10 December 2024