WOMEN IN THE DARK | Germany | 2018
Antje Krüger
President of the nonprofit Association WOMEN IN THE DARK Germany e.V. | Former Coordinator for institutions in the context of domestic and sexual violence, Bayern | Former Referent Women & Family, Der PARITÄTISCHE in Bayern | Munich
Patricia Kielinger
Psychosocial Supporter in Criminal Trials | Former Coordinator Berliner Initiative gegen Gewalt an Frauen (BIG e.V.) | Berlin
Participatory Sewing Process
WOMEN IN THE DARK at the GIVE ME 5 Pavilion (headed by Miro Craemer) in cooperation with the art education of the Pinakothek der Moderne (headed by Pia Brüner)

WOMEN IN THE DARK | BR24 (Bayerische) Rundschau | 16 July 2021
watch online: Bayerische Rundschau

Miro Craemer, Franziska Greber and Pia Brüner